Meeting held on Implications due to levy of Electricity Duty

RSA president Shri Sunil Bansal chaired a meeting with RSA members to discuss strategy and way forward on various issues regarding Electricity Duty, Banking of Power
Following issues were discussed:-
1.1. Mr. Kailash Agarwal from Agarwal Woven Polymers said that Electricity Duty should be waived and further for captive plants it is illogical to pay duty for the power which we are generating for own use. Further electricity duty is imposed by retrospective date as per government letter dated 27-04-2021, it is charged from 01-April-2020 which is unethical as how can you charge duty from back date.
2.2. Mr. Nitin Goyal-IB VOGT raised issue that Ajmer Discom is charging CUF on monthly basis whilst Jaipur and Jodhpur Discoms are charging CUF on Annual basis. Further it should be calculated on power injected point whereas AVVNL is charging it on drawl point basis. These are not in-line of CERC guidelines.
3.• Mr. Vishnu Khandelwal from Hindustan Zinc Ltd. Raised same issue and added that Banking calculation is being done in 15-minute time blocks for new developers. It should be done Banking should be done on monthly basis, should be optional for all and without any compensation as per APTEL decision
4. 3. Further all present members agreed that there should be a RSA delegation to meet RERC Chairman, Mr. B N Sharma and present issues related to Regulatory like-CUF, Banking etc.
5. 4. Further as advised by IBVOGT and Hindustan Zinc Ltd RSA will prepare a note on Electricity Duty being not charged in other Indian states.
6. 5. Members also agreed on Fuel surcharge being levied on solar energy which is clean and illogical and unethical by Discoms
7. 6. JK Cement and IBVOGT have file petition on CUF matter. RSA should also join as party for all members benefits for clarification on CUF issue.